Tuesday 26 January 2016



1. किसी विषय(subject), भाषा(language), खेल(games & sports), रंग(color) के नाम के पहले Article का प्रयोग नही किया जाता है। 

Ex. He is a student of History.

She can speak the Hindi, English and Sanskrit.()

She can speak Hindi, English and Sanskrit.(✔)

He used to play cricket.

I like red color.

2. किसी Possessive Adjective(my, Her, Your etc.), किसी Demonstrative Adjective(This, That, These,Those, No, Any, Other, Any other, etc.) किसी Distributive Adjective (Each, Either, Neither, Every) के बाद आने वाले Noun के पहले Articles का प्रयोग नही होता है।

Ex. This is my a house.()

This is my house.()

This a house is mine.()

This house is mine.()

Each the boy was ready.()

Each boy was ready.()

3. Kind of, type of, sort of, variety of, rank of, post of, title of, position of, A number of, A large number of, A lot of, Lots of, Plenty of, A great deal of, के बाद आने वाले Noun के पहले Articles का प्रयोग नही होता है। 

Ex. I don't like this kind of a man.()

I don't like this kind of a man.()

He has been promoted to the rank of an S.P.()

He has been promoted to the rank of S.P.()

He accepted the post of a principal.()

He accepted the post of principal.() 

She was given the title of a queen.()

She was given the title of queen.()

Note:- Kind of, type of, sort of के बाद आने वाले Noun के पहले Article A/An का प्रयोग हो सकता है या नही भी हो सकता है यदि Sentence Interrogative हो। 

Ex. What type of a man is he?()

What type of man is he?()

4. Man, woman, life, death, science, art, nature का प्रयोग यदि व्यापक(Universal) अर्थो में हो तो इनके पहले किसी भी Article का प्रयोग नही किया जाता है। 

Ex. The man is mortal.()

Man is mortal.()

A woman is the man's mate.()

Woman is man's mate.()

5. School, college, church, hospital, prison, jail, court, bed, etc. का प्रयोग यदि इसके मौलिक उदेश्य(Original purpose) को बतलाने के लिए किया गया हो तो इन सब Noun के पहले किसी Article का प्रयोग नही किया जाता है। 

Ex. I go to school daily.(मौलिक उदेश्य:- पढ़ने या पढ़ाने के लिए)

The injured man was sent to hospital.(मौलिक उदेश्य:- इलाज कराने या करने)

Note:- यदि इन सब Nouns से इनके मौलिक उदेश्य का बोध न हो तो इन सब Nouns के पहले Article "The" का प्रयोग किया जाता है। 

Ex. My father went to the school to see my principal. (अन्य उदेश्य)

6. कुछ Phrases के साथ Article का प्रयोग नही किया जाता है। 

Such as- By post, by chance, by messenger, by cheque, by air(हवाई जहाज से), by land, by sea(समुंद्री जहाज से), by road, by car, by bus, by train, by bicycle. etc.

In fact, in detail, in trouble, in confusion, in time, in demand, in danger, in life, in crisis, in difficulty, in doubt, in debt. etc.

On strike, on duty, on foot, on payment, on leave, on demand, on time, on earth, on fire. etc.

Ex. They went there by the bicycle.() 

They went there by bicycle.()

We face many difficulties in the life.()

We face many difficulties in life.()

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