Friday, 25 March 2016


1. Accede/Exceed

a. Accede means "to agree or allow": 
Hiram Cheaply finally acceded to accepting the presidency of the company.

b. Exceed means "to go beyond, to surpass": 
The amount of alcohol in his blood exceeded the previous record.

2. Accept/Except

a. Accept means "to take willingly": 
Miss Deeds accepted the cup of hot tea even without a saucer.

b. Except is a preposition meaning "excluding": 

Everyone was disappointed with the party except Sohan.

3. Adapt/Adept/Adopt

a. Adapt means "to adjust": 
Minnie Miles quickly adapted to living away from home.

b. Adept means "skilled": 
Lalan is adept at speaking languages.

c. Adopt means to "accept as your own": 
It was difficult to adopt only one puppy from the animal shelter.

4. Adverse/Averse

a. Adverse means "unfavorable, hostile": 
Those driving in adverse winter conditions may be putting themselves at risk.

b. Averse means "unwilling or repelled": 
She was immediately averse to the idea.

5. Advice/Advise

a. Advice is a noun meaning "an opinion given with the intention of helping": 
My mother still gives me advice even though I'm 40 years old.

b. Advise is a verb meaning "to give counsel or advice": 
The meteorologist advised listeners to stay indoors because of the extremely cold temperatures.

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