Saturday 30 April 2016

All About English Grammar

Details About Grammar

Grammar teaching is a controversial topic. In fact, there is a lot of
disagreement among researchers and teachers about the role of grammar in language learning and about the best approaches to teaching grammar. That is in part because there is disagreement about what ‘grammar’ itself means. Some see grammar as a set of rules that have to be followed, while others see it as a resource for meaning-making. We will explore both of these perspectives in this chapter.

Teachers may have strong affective reactions even to the word ‘grammar’, as our ideas about teaching grammar often come from our experiences: whether we had positive experiences of grammar learning and how we feel when we get feedback on the ways we talk or write. Some people love learning the rules and patterns in language and enjoy dissecting language to explore how it means what it does. Others see it as a tedious task requiring memorization of rules and exceptions.

Grammar instruction calls for specialized language that enables us to talk about language. Useful metalanguage, language for talking about language, will be introduced as we look into classrooms where students are engaged in talk about language and content. We will present studies that help us understand how best to focus on language form and meaning, and will offer examples of how to implement the research findings in classroom activities. We will demonstrate that, even without a lot of technical knowledge, teachers can explore grammar with their students, help them recognize how a language works, and learn new ways of using it.

What Is Grammar Teaching?

Language teachers also further their understanding about grammar teaching from research. This book presents some different ways grammar has been investigated by researchers and taught by teacher-researchers around the world. It will offer insights into how the teaching and learning of grammar can contribute to learning a second or foreign language, and show how students can develop grammatical knowledge as they learn academic subjects. We will explore ways in which the research presented here can inform and enlighten us as we work with second language learners to improve their language proficiency. Before we begin our exploration of the research, take a few minutes to reflect on what you think about grammar teaching.

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