Sunday 24 April 2016


1. But for your help (A) no boys would have (B) passed in an (C) All India competition like this(D) No error (E)

2. We wanted (A) certain boy(B) to make entry into (C) the Director’s chamber(D) No error(E)

3. There were only three (A) persons but each and every(B) person was equal(C) to ten policemen (D) No error (E)

4. The ten captains (A) had each an (B) achievement of(C) his own(D) No error (E)

5. These sort of men(A) attain worldly success by hook or by crook (B) so they deserve to (C) be looked down upon(D) No error(E)

6. My friend feels (A) a certain problems(B) in the execution (C) of this plan(D) No error(E)

7. In spite of facing(A) much problems he did not (B) desert the path (C) of honesty (D) No error (E)

8. Can you tell me how(A) many eggs and (B) milk we should bring (C) home (D) No error (E)

9. Whole the chapter(A) of the book is full of printing(B) errors which shows the (C) proof reader ‘s carelessness(D) No error(E)

10. She did not(A) like to give me (B) any book (C) or any money (D)No error (E)

11. Her grey long (A) hair adds (B) glamour to (C) her looks (D) No error(E)

12. He began to (A) tremble when he found (C) a sharp long knife in his enemy’s hand (D) No error (E)

13. We saw(A) an anxious pale girl (B) who when asked let us know (C) that she was suffering from fever (D) No error(E)

14. It is a fact that(A) Mahatma Gandhi was(B) the first politician(C) of his time(D) No error(E)

15. At the utmost gate(A) was standing a guard(B) holding a gun in (C) his hand(D) No error (E)

16. Delhi is(A) further from (B) Patna than (C) Kolkata(D) No error(E)

17. This book is (A) undoubtedly preferable than (B) that in many respects and its printing (C) is also comparatively good(D) No error (E)

18. Of the two (A) players he (B) is the luckiest(C) be sure (D) No error (E)

19. You can trust (A) this agency(B) for the last news (C) of this week (D) No error(E)

20. Sarita is (A) senior to me (B) but he is(C) junior than me (D)No error (E)

21. He knows(A) that Rashmi (B) is the most unique (C) singer of this class(D) No error(E)

22. Ritu can sing (A) much than ten songs at a(B) stretch and she has developed (C)this ability by laboring hard (D) No error(E)

23. She was willing to (A) know what it was that made(B) him stronger(C) and braver than any man of this village(D) No error (E)

24. Rima has a remarkable(A) lovingly appearance (B) which brings her honour (C) and admiration as well (D) No error (E)

25. A lots of books (A) on English Grammar are available(B) in the market but (C) this one is the best (D) No error(E)

26. He does not have(A) some money to buy a new X-ray (B) plant so he is(C) sunk in anxiety (D) No error (E)

27. Gold is the most precious(A) of all metals (B) that are used in ornaments(C) as far as we all know(D) No error(E)

28. He is the most (A) successful man (B) in the world (C) I have ever known(D) No error (E)

29. No less (A) than fifty audiences are sitting (B)in the hall and waiting for their (C) beloved artist.(D) No error (E)

30. Her father told her (A) that it would be all the more(B) better if she would find her(C) groom herself (D) No error(E)

Answers will be available soon

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